Lesson 85

Tricks with paragraph styles and automatic pages numbers

In this final InDesign video you’ll learn how to make an automatic page number appear on every page, and learn several more advanced tricks with Paragraph Styles, such as how to import them and how to create drop caps.

New commands

  • Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number

  • View > Fit Page in Window

  • View > Fit Spread in Window

  • Paragraph Styles > Load All Text Styles

  • Edit > Paste in Place

New shortcuts

  • Command/Ctrl + 0: Fit Page in Window

  • Command/Ctrl + Alt + 0: Fit Spread in Window

New jargon

  • Drop Cap

Homework options
  1. Using placeholder text and any images you like, create a version of the Discover newsletter using margins and the Create Guides feature.

  2. Using placeholder (or real) text and any images you like, replicate the magazine structure that I created in the last couple of videos.

  3. Look at (physical or digital) magazines and try to identify how they use different column structures (eg 8 columns, 10 columns). Notice what you’re drawn to, and consider using anything you like in the final exercise.

  4. Try creating a 12 page document using any of the features you’ve learnt in this module, for any of the brands.