Lesson 45

Creating shapes, patterns & blends with Illustrator

In this module you’re going to start getting creative with Illustrator. In particular you’re going to learn about some of Illustrator’s key building blocks: shapes. In addition you’ll learn how to create patterns from shapes, and finally learn how to incorporate one of Illustrator’s secret weapons, a Blend, into the mix.

In this lesson you’ll learn how to create a new document in Illustrator, and by the end of it you’ll have learned how to create perfect squares, circles, polygons and triangles.

New tools

  • Rectangle Tool

  • Ellipse Tool

  • Polygon Tool

New commands learnt

  • File > New

New shortcuts

  • Shift: constrains shape (to square, etc)

  • Up/Down arrow: increases / reduces no. of sides on a polygon

New jargon

  • Anchor Points